After only five years, she's done with schooling -- for now! Today, Wart graduated from the University of Utah's Department of Oncology with a Doctoral Degree in Molecular Biology. Huh?
So is it now Dr. Wart? Do we have to give her more respect, or is she still family. For sure, and to the best of our knowledge (and a quick check on Google) she's the first (and only) Zumbrennen to be awarded a Ph.D. So maybe she's not our little girl any more. With a half dozen professional scientific papers published with titles such as: A Novel IRP2-/- Mouse Model Displays Locomotor Dysfunction And Neuronal Iron Accumulation, or Hyperglycemia and Impaired Beta-cell Function Caused by Iron Regulatory Protein 2 Deficiency maybe she DOES deserve more respect.
The ceremony was held at Kingsbury Hall on the U's campus. 250 individuals were awarded degrees today ranging from a few Bachelors, to Masters, to 96 Doctorates to 108 Graduates of the U's Medical school.
It was a beautiful day; the weather was perfect -- not too hot, and not too cool. As the MC stated probably a few thousand photos were taken afterwards.

(Although her research is technical, and over our heads (what's an IRP2?), we still felt a need to give her a Graduation Card with sound, which she wouldn't have to read . . . SHE IS BLONDE!)
Afterwards all four of us (Nic spend the day with us also) drove up Immigration Canyon and had lunch outside on the back patio of Ruth's Diner, a favorite of Wart's.
With school overwith, she plans to continue her research at the U and publish a few more papers within the next year. In June she travels to Porto, Portugal to give two presentations and one poster.What should we expect next from her?
What color is the Sky!
In the mean time checkout her blog to see the latest wedding cakes she made for friends during the last two weeks.